Nauru Towers For Sale

Nauru Tower Condos For Sale

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Nauru Towers is a prestigious property located in the upscale neighborhood of Kakaako, in the midst of the best Honolulu has to offer. A total of over 400 units abound the 45 floors of this luxury condominium complex. Owners and their guests enjoy exclusive use of the on-site amenities, such as the pool, recreation area on the 7th floor, and tennis court, to name a few. The cylinder-shape offers one of the most dramatic settings anywhere in Honolulu, with the upper-floor units featuring some of the most panoramic, unobstructed ocean view corridors anywhere in the world.

Nauru Towers Map

nauru towers map kakaako honolulu

Floor Plans

The below floor plans are for illustration purposes only. To confirm details on a specific unit, contact us.

Nauru Tower Floor Plan Units 1 and 8 Nauru Tower Floor Plan Unit 1 Penthouse Nauru Tower Floor Plan Units 2 and 7

Contact Us

For those considering the sale or purchase of a condo at Nauru Towers, contact our team today - with relevant experience in the Kakaako real estate market, our team is will provide expert-level knowledge and counsel.

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kakaako condo map

Hawaii Real Estate News.