Recently Sold Honua Kai Condos
For more information about Honua Kai and to view Honua Kai Condos For Sale, view the corresponding page and contact us for more details.
Arguably the best metric of values is recent comparable sales, as these can be indicative of absorption rate, valuation, and mirror market trends. Below please view all sales in Honua Kai within the past 6 months:
Sold Honua Kai Condos in Past 6 Months
Need more historical context? Then view our in-depth Honua Kai Sales History for more perspective.
Need more information? Contact us - we know the Honua Kai market exceedingly well and would be happy to answer any questions.
Honua Kai Sales History
View our comprehensive Honua Kai Sales History - the most comprehensive and in-depth analysis of all sales at Honua Kai, through the end of 2013.